Ke Chen - Ph.D Candidate

Datasets in MATLAB MAT format

Datasets Number of features Number of instances Number of classes
Leukemia 1 5327 72 3
DLBCL 5469 77 2
9Tumor 5726 60 9
Brain Tumor 1 5920 90 5
Prostate Tumor 1 5966 102 2
Leukemia 2 7129 72 4
Brain Tumor 2 10367 50 4
Leukemia 3 11225 72 3
11Tumor 12533 174 11
Lung_Cancer 12600 203 5

Please kindly cite the paper “Ke Chen, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang and Fengyu Zhou, “An Evolutionary Multitasking-Based Feature Selection for High-Dimensional classification”, 2020.” if you use the datasets.